Friday, October 5, 2012


I used to "brag" on Tommi alot and feel like Miley lacks that attention...well on the blog. I guess this is the difference in a first and second child...

Miley is such a sweetie, she loves being out and about seeing people and getting attention. If we are at home she demands her morning and afternoon naps but if we are out she will stay up for hours. She loves "talking" and just lighting up whatever room she is in with her amazing smile and sweet bashfulness. She is definitely a mommas girl but totally is crazy over her daddy. She wants to be held by mommy but have daddys undivided attention. And all he has to do is look at her and she folds into herself acting bashful and smiling. It is SO sweet!

She has some MAJOR separation anxiety! Most of the time she does not want me to leave the room or get out of her sight. But we make it work and I just have to time things right if I need to get something done while she is awake. She just has to be fed, entertained, and not tired at all!

When home she is either trying to climb on me or get into whatever big sis is doing...which cracks me up b/c she is already the "annoying" little sister at times.

As "bad" of a sleeper as Miley is...she has learned to put herself back to sleep. But still wants to nurse a few times a night...I honestly don't know how much she gets up b/c I latch her back on and go back to sleep :) I get super frustrated at times but it will be over before I know it (or I pray it will) and I'm just enjoying her sweet cuddles. I consider myself lucky that my baby wants me near so much. BUT I do pray she starts sleeping through the night before too long...b/c it would be nice not to have to wake up so much. But I am still her main source of nutrition. 

I find myself just squeezing her daily b/c she is just SO sweet and cute! I feel like i'm overflowing with love for her!

I have been much as she can drive me to drink I feel like I am one VERY blessed mommy to have such a sweet little girl...I have 2 but this is about Miley and Miley only!

The last 8 and a half months have flown by! 

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