Friday, October 19, 2012


The past few months I have gotten really frustrated with Miley's night sleeping. Waking up a few times a night  just to latch her on and go back to sleep (typically) is kinda frustrating.

Well I found myself getting worked up about it and it drove me nuts!

I've shared my crying it out moments and they worked for a little bit. But then I realized I was not solving anything. Any b/c of this things at bedtime have changed but now I don't let her just cry. I nurse her then while she is still awake I take her back to bed, lay her down, turn on her sound machine, give her her passy, turn out the lights, then rub her belly and shhh her while she lays in bed. I do this for 2-5 minutes then leave the room at which point she usually just goes out on her own. Some nights she cries and I go back in and do it again for a few minutes. Usually one to two times is all it takes.

She then sleeps 2-3 hours then is up about the time I'm going to bed and I nurse her 5-10 minutes and put her back in bed half awake with her passy. Which then she might sleep a couple hours or an hour. It just depends but by that point I'm half asleep so I don't know how long it is. I bring her to my bed and she wakes up a few times but since I'm half asleep I can never remember how many times. Thank God I can go back to sleep as soon as she is latched on.

Anyway...I was frustrated with it but then it dawned on me a week or so ago. Why am I so mad? She is a baby and I'm her comfort. I need to chill.

Since I have done that I feel SO much better. Still wish she would sleep through the night but I'm not stressing it b/c I have it really good. I get enough sleep and she gets my attention.

I am reading The No Cry Sleep Solution just to try and figure out why she is still waking up. I will sleep through the night one day...I can only hope it is in the next month or so but if not. I'm going with the flow.

I'm free from my frustration. It feels SOOO good!

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