Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Well here we are 38 weeks with my last baby and precious little boy. I seriously feel the last month has gone by faster than any other month. It has been insane!
How I feel...which I am asked many times daily...I feel 9 months pregnant but I really can't complain much. I have pain and sometimes lots of it, I'm tired, and over all uncomfortable. I have lots of cramps recently! Well if I sit still I feel great! haha But I seriously could have it SO much worse! I am also honestly loving this little guys crazy movements, lots of hiccups, and the belly is fun (except for when it gets in the way). Pregnancy is seriously such a miracle!

I am SO anxious to meet him and love him. I am anxious to have a sweet newborn lay on my chest and just be content. I can not wait to see the girls with their little brother and to create a new little life. It will be VERY challenging but fun!

So I had my 38 week appt today...I had never met this midwife and she was nice but kinda vague and not real warm. So the appt was very fast! She asked if I was using any supplements for labor and I said no...she suggested Gentle Birth but after looking it up it helps with advancing dilation, quicker labor, and quicker recovery. It is not worth buying for me. I will just see how things go on their own...I have loved my last 2 births so I am trusting this one will be good too.
She did check me and I am 1cm, 70% effaced, and baby is at station -2. His heartbeat was 130-140bpm and I am measuring 40 weeks...eek! I have never measured ahead in my other pregnancies but I have a few times in this one.

TJ's guess is June 11 (next Wednesday), mom's guess is June 18 (the next Wednesday) and my guess is June 16 (a week from Monday)

Guess we will see when God has this little one planned!!

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