Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sleep update...

Monday night...
we put TJ's sweatshirt (that he wears often) in her bed with her b/c we heard the smell could possibly make her feel more comfortable. We got her in bed and comfy pretty easy but had to come in and check on her every 10 minutes till FINALLY she fell asleep (after about a hour). Then she slept until 3:15am and she called for me...she didn't cry so that was good. But I cuddled for a bit till she was asleep then I moved...which is not graceful...and she woke up and got teary eyed so I stayed but sat on her bed and she was in and out of sleep. Anytime I tried to leave she got weepy and "shivering" as she calls it. But basically she starts shaking. So after some convincing and telling her she only had a short while till she could get up, she let me leave. So I got back in my bed at around 4am. I have a hard time falling back to sleep after that b/c I am so sad for her. So she slept till 7am when she came to bed with me. Since TJ was gone she just crawled in his side and we "slept" till 8am when Miley woke up.
So over all it was not that bad. I just wish the tears and sadness were not involved.

We didn't get to bed till late so she was super tired. But we had to check on her twice in 10 minute-ish increments again so that was a huge victory! I am praying she sleeps till the morning!!

We made her a chart on Sunday...if she sleeps through the night with no calling and no tears, she gets a sticker. So far we have no stickers but she wants one really bad! So hopefully we will get there. If she gets 7 stickers she gets a prize...she picked a Slurpee as her prize :)

Mommy needs her sleep and to not have to move anymore times than necessary during the night. I just get stiff and have hip and inner thigh pain so it is a bit dramatic to move!

On another note...I'm 20 weeks this week! This baby is a kicker and a shifter when I sit still! It is so fun!!! 2 weeks from tomorrow we have our ultrasound! I have never been so anxious to know the sex and see this munchkin again! I love my little froggie SOO much!! woohoo!

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