Saturday, January 25, 2014


It just hit me like a ton of bricks today that Tommi will start school in August! I have always felt I was so ready but now I'm not so sure. Our life is so "easy" right now with no real schedule! She has preschool 2 days a week but it doesn't start till 9, is 10 minutes away, and Miley is old enough her mornings are more predictable!

I'm going to have a 2 month old and we will have to leave in the mornings at like 7:30! Hopefully I can get Tommi up and fed and ready before the baby and Miley get up but I doubt that! I'd love to just get them up and throw them in the car and go but we all know how predictable newborns are! I'm just scared the baby will wake up and want to eat when I need to be leaving etc. To prevent that I would have to wake the baby and feed him/her at a reasonable time but again babies are so not predictable.

I want to drive Tommi to school in the beginning. I want to be there for the first week or so to get her to class etc. Then after that my MIL can take over taking her. At that point I can get her up and ready and send her with TJ up to his parents house and she can ride with her from there. But the thought of sending her with out me is REALLY hard to imagine! I feel like I would be letting her down!

I want to cry b/c I'm that not ready in my mind. But then again I'm NOT homeschooling b/c that would not be fair to her to not get the attention she needs b/c I have 2 others to tend to and not have the friends that she would at school.

I'm now questioning my timing of this little munchkin BUT God planned it so of course it will work out!
Again...praying for a Lukey baby that will just go with the flow b/c life is gonna be crazy!!!

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