Friday, May 16, 2014


Holy moses am I crazy emotional!!! I seriously have cried about EVERYTHING!

I was cleaning the bathroom today and around my tub their are a lot of nooks and crannies (reason #1 I hate big bathtubs!) Well I could not get in a certain section and started crying b/c it bothered me so bad that I couldn't get it clean...note..I never have been able to so why this bugged me now I have no idea.
I usually am one who can get my feelings hurt relatively easy but right now it is times 10! It is frustrating how bad it is, I do not remember my emotions this out of wack with the girls. But here we are and things could be ALOT worse.

I am also dealing with some crazy pain...I feel like I have been riding a horse for a week non stop. My inner thighs and pubic bone are SO sore! It gets better with rest and does not hurt all the time but mainly when I am in bed and when I have been on my feet too much. Rolling over in bed is tough but then also hurts so bad I get teary eyed everytime I roll like 3 to 4 times a night on a good night. I did ask my midwife about it and she said it was pretty normal and is due to my pelvis being looser this time...yay!

Again I can't complain too much b/c I do not have it as bad as some. Plus I kinda have no choice but to keep on chugging along. Almost nightly baths helps a lot!

I also have gained quite a bit of weight with this little guy...eek! I hit the 30 pound mark this week and I still have 5 weeks to go...oops! My midwife has not said anything but I know my body is NOT happy!

But oh boy am I enjoying this little man and how crazy active he is! I am crazy in love with him and his silly self. I can not rest my hands/arms/anything on my belly with out him going crazy to kick it off! Tommi thinks it is hilarious and loves to lay on him to get him annoyed! She also loves his hiccups but the kicks and big movements are her favorite. Mine too!

I had an ultrasound and centering last night. The u/s was so sweet! He was cuddled up to my placenta and did not want to come off so we could get some really good pictures of his face...we did see him pretty well though. He is head down and ready to rumble! Fluid is good. He also was showing off his boy parts once again :) He punched the wand a couple times! So the ultrasound was over all great. I wish I had asked about his size but that is always a guess so it is no big deal. The tech did worry me when she was trying hard to get him off his placenta b/c she seemed to want to see his face better for a reason but I'm hoping that was just my worrying self reading into things.

Centering was good...nothing exciting.

I was supposed to start weekly appointments next week but when I called today the only appointment they could get was Monday at 1pm and I thought that was silly b/c it is less than a week since my last appt and the next is almost 2 weeks later. So I asked if they minded if I just waited till I go back to centering on the 29th and they said that was fine esp since this is my 3rd so I kinda know what is up. But then I did set up weeklys for week 38 and week 40 (39 weeks is centering) I am hoping I do not make it to my 40 week one which is the Thursday after I'm due. I'm praying for a due date baby or a couple days early.  Crazy to think I only have 3 more appointments till my due date! eek! So exciting yet nerve racking.

My MIL, SIL, and Aunt in law decided they wanted to do a shower for me since I am having a boy this time....I'm excited. I basically just need/want some more clothes, diapers (i'm not doing cloth until we are in a routine), double stroller, and odds and ends boy stuff. So due to crazy schedules of everyone involved the shower is not until June 5th. So I will be 38 weeks.

My Thursday nights for the next 4 weeks are booked haha Tommi's preschool graduation, then centering, then my shower, and then another centering haha Thursdays are good days!

I really want to meet this guy but then again want time to slow down b/c I want to enjoy this time but I am ready for June when the only plans I have are drs appts and shower. No more school for Tommi and no weekend plans except chillin with my little family which I am hoping we can find some adventures to get into so we can celebrate these girls some more.

I'm not as able to do as much and with the warm weather I feel like such a downer for the girls but the cuddle time has been AMAZING!!! I am really sad thinking about having to share the attention even more soon but it will work out and I'm going to balance it. I just want my girls to know how much they are loved by momma b/c I know others will take over and help with them in the beginning but there is NO ONE like momma and I want them to know this little guy is NOT going to replace them and he will fall into our family well b/c God put him here and will take care of us. I am much more worried about Miley b/c I know Tommi understands...mostly.

But like when I had Miley, things will fall into place!

If I'm right on my guess which actually I have been one day off with both my girls. I guessed the 11th for Tommi and 18th for Miley. Then it will be exactly a month!

Praying for good labor and perfect baby!

My wish for Tommi was to have her daddys blue eyes, with Miley I wanted a dark little one, and this time I am dreaming of a bald blue eyed boy. So since I have gotten my wish the last 2 times hopefully I will this time too! I will be shocked to see if he has hair b/c I just can't see it for some reason.

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