Tuesday, September 18, 2012


So I have been asked a million times..."Do you think you will have more (kids)?" So here is my answer in a vent/thoughts.

If I think about my family I think there is no doubt I want another child. I don't feel like my 2 girls make my family "complete" BUT then again I look at my girls and think they are perfect why mess with that. I mean I have 2 perfect and healthy kids. 

Selfishly I want just one more pregnancy. I LOVE being pregnant...not that my pregnancies are perfect b/c I most definitely have my pain and yuckyness. But I just love the movements, the belly, the thoughts of a sweet baby, I actually even like labor and giving birth...weird I know. There is something about questioning when I will go into labor and how it will be, etc. Then the feeling after they are born when you are on cloud nine b/c you just did one of the coolest things EVER! I even love the attention I get while pregnant...hey I'm just being honest.

I question myself all the time...do I just want to try one more time for the possibility of a boy? If that is the case I don't want to have another one just to see if it is a boy. B/c if I have a 3rd girl will I be disappointed? I mean THREE girls sounds like alot!

I also question...will I ever feel my family is "complete"? I mean what if I have my 3rd and most definitely final child and I don't feel that completeness?

If I ask TJ he ways says "It is up to you." I know he always imagined us having 3 kids.

According to MY plans if I choose to have another child. We will get pregnant when Miley turns 2 and have an October 2014 baby. Then I will be 29 and like I have always said will be done having babies by 30. And my silly sports obsessed husband will not have a new baby in the middle of a season. Which brings up another point...I'm NOT having another baby if he plays as much ball as he does right now. So maybe he can take a little break for a year-ish (from travel ball) and we can get through the baby stage so it will be easier to manage at games. I think a 7 y/o, 4 y/o, and 18 month old sounds manageable. haha wow that is quite a thought.

BUT then I have to think of Gods plan. Which by the way is SO much better. Does He want me to have another baby? If so, when? 

Then also a new factor has come up...MONEY. I mean it has always been there but I never realized how expensive it is to have kids involved in things till I just priced how much it is for Tommi to take gymnastics. I want all my kids to be involved in something...sports, instrument, etc. So can we afford 3 kids doing that?

So I guess I have at least another year and 4 months (I do not want my kids any closer than Tommi and Miley) to think, pray, discuss, and see what is up.

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