Monday, July 9, 2012


Life is SO good right now but then again very challenging.

Miley is such a smiley girl and so sweet! She is just a happy girl. She does not handle being tired well or waiting when it comes to eating but I sure do love her! She keeps me on my toes though. She is FINALLY doing tummy time with out a crazy fuss...of course this is b/c she is learning to push herself backwards and turn so she can get where she wants to be. I can't believe how fast she is growing up...of course the little baby is gonna be missed but not too much b/c I am a big fan of sitting up and full on playing! 

She is getting MUCH better about the car. She is actually just going to sleep or playing. Now if she is getting hungry, is overtired, or just in a bad mood it is another story but most of the time now she is doing really well. So hopefully that is true for our trip to VB then Hattie on Friday.

We tried some oatmeal cereal/breast milk mix last week. Miley is most definitely not ready for food. She just kept her mouth open and never closed on the spoon. Plus based on this photo you can see how much she liked what did go down...

So I think we will be waiting a little longer to get this food thing started...which is fine by me b/c it just adds another element to everything. She doesn't seem like she needs it so introducing it was more of a learning thing at this point.
Her nursing is so funny now...she is so distractible so the sessions are most of the time short and more often. But she makes up for it at bed time and nurses for sometimes up to an hour. It is lovely but this too shall pass and I definitely will miss our long cuddle times.
Miley sleeps in her bed for the beginning of the night then is in bed with me till morning b/c she has started to nurse a few times through the night and I'm not a fan of getting up so in bed with me nursing is working for now. Tommi! She is a character still! She is into everything...making up songs, dancing, getting naked (whenever possible), putting on her fake make up, dressing up in pretty dresses, playing ball, swinging, etc etc She is most definitely the most fun child I have ever met. TJ and I find ourselves just shaking our heads and saying "Tommi I love you!" all the time b/c she just amazes us and makes us laugh all in the same moment. She is such a sweetheart most of the time and is really a good kid. But when she has an attitude everyone needs to clear out...she can go INSANE! We find ourselves wondering how she can be SO good and SO bad all in the same day.

She is still my eager learner. She asks a million questions and just absorbs all the knowledge she can. It is great. She shocks me daily with words she knows and things she has learned that I did not teach her! I'm so proud of her.
She looks like such a big girl with her hair in braids!

We have had a BIG break through with her...she has a bad habit of not trying new foods and not eating veggies much. Well we have been making her try one bite of a new food or good veggie at dinner every night. Well on Sunday she ate some broccoli, which she likes but refuses to eat more than one bite, she ate like 5 bites. Well tonight we were able to put it on her plate and she ate it with out us telling her she has to or fight at all. I can not praise Jesus enough for this! I'm just SO happy! My baby girl is growing up!

The moment Tommi walks in a room or does anything Miley is lighting up staring at her. Miley LOVES Tommi so much and is already "looking up to her". Tommi adores Miley also but since Miley is still kinda boring it only lasts so long. I just love watching them interact and love each other so much. The connection between siblings is something no one and nothing can take away!

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