Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Still alive...

I have not totally forgot about my blog...I just highly dislike my computer bc it is a pain in the butt so I rarely get on it...aka once to twice a month to pay bills.

So about the girls...

Tommi, the 4 and a half year old princess is sassy as ever! Her attitude is out of control but she is still my sweet cuddle bunny also. She is just testing us! She started school in September and LOVES it!! She only goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-12 so it is a good "break" for us both. She is loving having new friends and also loves having something that she gets to go do and look forward to. According to her teachers she does really well. She had some tests in the beginning b/c she wanted to always be with her cousin Titus but I think things have leveled out. She actually got put in time out TWICE in one day. Oh how lovely, her teachers didn't even tell me. She told on herself. But I talked to them and they said she was just having trouble not always being able to stand next to Titus but it was getting better as she made friends. other kid has been put in time out at all this year! haha My sweet stinker. She is actually all about following the rules and is pretty well behaved. So I do not worry about her. I see talking too much being her biggest problem but she comes by it honest so I can't blame her!
She is still taking ballet which she also loves! She is a beautiful dancer when she is not allowing the other girls to influence her.
Tommi is a professional big sister. She fights with Miley alot but is also her best friend and helps out with her alot! I am spoiled having Tommi as my little helper. I could not ask for a better big sister!
She is still my smarty pants! I am amazed by her facts she knows and her desire to learn. She asks many times a day how to spell certain words and sometimes will write them down. She is also working on sounding out words! I hope her desire to learn never goes away! Even if she is not the smartest kid in her class, if she is eager to learn then that is all I can ask!! wild thing! I could not love this child more! She is amazing! She is also quite a pistol and gives me a run for my money. She is a climber and a dare devil. She doesn't walk much..she runs!
She has a large vocabulary and learns a new word almost everyday. She can recognize many animals and the noises they make. Cows, monkeys, and horses are her favorites but she knows many. She LOVES pointing things out and telling you about them. Usually telling you want it is then alot of nonsense but she knows exactly what she is talking about. She has the worlds cutest "please" and "thank you" and uses them correctly and often. She is becoming more of a snuggler...mainly when she is tired but I will take it.
She currently thinks hitting is ok...we are working hard on that! When she gets out!! She is crazy! I laugh alot b/c she just gets so fired up!
She is sleeping through the night...goes down about 830-9 and up around 730. Then she just wants to cuddle for a while before eating breakfast.
She did wean herself at the beginning of October. Sad but nice day. She has been only nursing morning and night. I stopped offering and she rarely asked then just stopped. I was ready. After she weaned I would still rock her at naptime and bedtime. But in the last couple weeks she started asking to go straight to bed. So naptime she goes straight to her bed and bedtime we rock and say our prayers then she wants bed. It is REALLY NICE to lay her down and not hear from her till the morning. The snuggles were nice but I get them other times so it is ok.
Naptime she goes down from 2-4. Which is at the same time as Tommi so that is super awesome!!

I just fall more in love with these girls daily! They challenge me, teach me, and amaze me! I could not ask for better kids!

And to end #3 will be here in June 2014! I am swaying between feeling like "I can do this" and wondering if I have a screw loose! But Tommi is over the top excited and Miley has no idea what she is in for!

Tommi's reaction to us telling her was "You are joking me!" she kept saying it over and over. Then she got really excited and has told everyone she sees! It is so fun!
We told Miley "You are gonna be a big sister!" She said "No, no, no" and then hugged Tommi! haha

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