Wednesday, December 26, 2012

My cakes.

While at my parents for Christmas, Miley ran a 103 fever on Friday night and Saturday morning. She was burning up all night and was fussy and clingy all day Saturday. Like way abnormally so I took her into the urgent care and after 2 hours of waiting and LOTS of tears (mine included). They discovered she had an ear infection. After getting the antibiotics in her system she became my sweet Miley again! The miracle of medicine...oh how thankful I am for it!

So when I got Mileys meds I laid her down to give them to her. She went NUTS...I had to get someone to hold her while I squeezed her cheeks to keep the medicine in. It was HORRIBLE! I searched the internet for some easier ways b/c it was torture and she was screaming causing her to aspirate the medicine. Someone said give the baby a bit and then stick a passy in their mouth. So it was worth a shot. OMG! The difference of night and day...then I discovered it doesn't even take the passy. She just didn't want to be laid down and "forced" to take it. WOW! I mean who does?!? So now she is a professional medicine taker and it is SO nie and easy!

Miley also discovered she can FINALLY clap her hands! It is so much fun. She loves clapping so much and is ready to perform almost all the time!

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