Thursday, December 4, 2014


Proof I have 3 kids....I blogged and tracked everything with Tommi, a little less with Miley, and hardly anything with Waylon. Well ok that is not true...I keep track of important things but far less than Tommi.

So lets start with Waylon b/c he is just awesome. He seriously is the best kid ever. He is so happy and really goes with the flow. I am crazy in love with him! He is not perfect in the sleeping anymore but it is not as bad as Miley. He also doesn't like to sleep with me at night so I think that leads to better sleep for me. Everyone who meets him is instantly happier b/c his big whole face smile. He is working on the whole sitting up thing but so far he is not too sturdy. He is rolling both ways and some how prefers his belly now crazy. Still a chunky boy. He is seriously so solid...making carrying the carseat a blast. He loves his sisters so much and just loves to watch them.

Miley is well Miley. She is crazy! There is no slowing her down and she keeps us entertained with her antics. She still has such a baby cartoon voice. It leads to most people not being able to understand her. She is down to only passys in her bed. I'm still debating how I'm going to take them away. She is still so much of my baby. Potty training is a joke. She wants very little to do with it. I need to get serious and work on it bc I need her out of diapers! She is such a sweet little booger though and we are totally buds! Still so tiny but giant in personality.

Tommi is doing phenomenal in school. She is maturing a lot. We do see a lot of acting out at home but I think that is just b/c she has to sit and listen all day so she takes the bad out on us. I seriously can't believe she is in school all day. It is sad to be away from her so much. But she is thriving and we do fine so it is ok. She is not crying any more thank goodness but she still doesn't eat well. I found some granola/chia seed bars she likes so at least she gets something good. I seriously am so amazed and proud of her. She is reading and doing well in everything she does. Pretty incredible!

Life is good! We are finding our groove.

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