Thursday, February 13, 2014

IT'S A....

BOY!!! We have a wiener! haha As a sister of 2 brothers that just cracks me up to say! I mean seriously I have gotten so used to talking about girl parts, the word "wiener" and "balls" just makes me feel at home! haha I sound so dirty but this is my honesty.

I was going to be excited either way but this is so fun b/c it is a whole new world. And I can actually use new cloths and this child will not end up with everything as a hand me down.
So the ultrasound tech asked us if we were sure then told us "It's a boy!" Tommi was grinning from ear to ear! She said she was praying it would be a boy! So fun! Miley was with us too but she was watching Mickey the whole time haha Whatever we have to do to keep her quiet!

I still have my doubts b/c well I thought we only made girls and the pictures are not a perfect shot of a "twig and berries". But the tech seemed really sure and checked a few different times. I LOVED this ultrasound the best of all the ones I have had b/c the tech was so thorough and showed us all the chambers of the heart, His little lungs hiccupping, the kidneys, a few angles of the spine, the brain, the face, hands, feet, thigh bone, etc. It was really neat. He was all snuggled up to my placenta sleeping so he gave her no trouble with getting all the measurements she needed. They said he weights about 1lbs 2ozes (I think) so the 43% tile. The 2 angles she wanted and couldn't get were the bottom of the feet and the exact under shot of his boy parts. She only wanted those b/c they make good pictures. But she was super confident with saying it was a boy. Now I just have to convince myself haha

My thoughts are I just don't want everyone to spend money on stuff for "him" and we have another girl then we basically have everything. I do need another dresser and I want a different swing (takes up less room and runs off electric) no matter what we have. The swing is only a wish. But if it is for sure a boy we need clothes and boy blankets also. So not really that much just little things and then a couple bigger things that either we will fund or someone can gift but definitely not expected after this being baby #3! I think people are excited to actually have something to get us though since with Miley I really didn't need anything. Not that she didn't get new stuff just not what a boy will get.

Well I have been feeling really good. I can complain but hate to b/c I caused it haha I have a shooting pain in my inner right thigh that is TERRIBLE when I roll over in bed and when I get up. It feels like some one is sticking a huge needle into my inner thigh but again it is not constant so I am not that bad off. I have heartburn but it is not terrible. I would take every bit of pain I have and the heartburn over being sick and throwing up all 9 months. I do not know how people do it!

We got quite a few was really exciting.

The boy parts...I guess haha

Another "it's a boy" picture. I do know the long white line is his thigh bone, then his knee on the left, his leg bends back and between the lower leg and thigh where the arrow is, is supposed to be boy parts.

Then my sweet SON's face! He was smiling during it and totally just chillin!
Here is the announcement!
The day itself was NOTHING like I planned but I think I am getting used to that. Miley woke up Tuesday morning with crusty yuck eyes but I thought it might be part of the cold she was seeming to get. Then by the evening they were pretty yucky and I was having to wipe them often. So we decided we would go to walk in hours on Wednesday morning. So I figured we would wake up and get out asap. Wrong again we did not get out till 830 so we got to the dr about 850. They took me back eventually and we waited a while. Finally at 940 I had to go out and ask if they could come in to see her b/c I had an appointment myself. I felt so bad but they did make her next on the list. So I didn't really get answers...she said it could be viral and antibiotics would not help, or it could be bacterial and antibiotics would help. So with out a culture they couldn't tell. But since I didn't have time they couldn't do one. But she did say even if it was viral it could turn into bacteria quickly so she gave me some drops to use for 5-7 days. Oh how fun to put in a 2 year old! haha
Well we obviously made it to my appointment...about 2 minutes late :( oops.

So in the announcement Miley looks all sickly and Tommi's hair...oh my sweet girl cracks me up that she wants those curls and they looked nappy that day! So we were a hot mess but it is all good!
So that day after going to target to get meds and let the girls pick out an outfit for their brother. We got home, neither girl wanted lunch. So we eventually did naptime, which thankfully went well. Until Tommi woke up throwing up! Ugh! She threw up a couple more times, mainly just water. Then she was better so that was interesting.
Woohoo! Just not like planned but we are all generally healthy now and good to go!

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