Friday, February 7, 2014

Baby frog

So we find out in 4 more days what this munchkin is!!!!! I'm SOOOO excited!!! I believe by far this is my wildest child in utero at this point. Everytime I sit down or am still this baby is flipping and is crazy! I LOVE it so much though. I do know that the activity doesn't mean anything for the child b/c Miley was much less active than Tommi and that is not the case now!

I just get so excited to know the gender b/c I feel like I can bond so much more. Like the baby becomes "real" when it has a gender (and a name) We will keep the name part a secret again b/c that is seriously so much fun! I think those closest to me have speculation on names b/c I have mentioned them over the years but the final choice will not be known. Though my mother has known everytime haha. Well that at least goes for a boy. With a girl I have names I love but TJ has vetoed all of them so that will be a tough one to figure out if we have a 3rd girl. I feel like sibling names need to go together especially when it is the same sex so we have some major limits that go up if this is girl #3.

So woohoo! Wednesday morning we have our appointment and both of the girls are going with us...eek not sure how that is gonna go. I will have my phone totally charged in case we have to break out the Mickey to keep Miley entertained!

After the appt the plan (I think) is to blow up either pink or blue balloons for each girl and if they want we will make a video to tell the family or just do a picture depending on the mood. Then after all family knows I will let the world lets hope our family responds quickly so I can announce it to the world!

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