Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Still alive...

I have not totally forgot about my blog...I just highly dislike my computer bc it is a pain in the butt so I rarely get on it...aka once to twice a month to pay bills.

So about the girls...

Tommi, the 4 and a half year old princess is sassy as ever! Her attitude is out of control but she is still my sweet cuddle bunny also. She is just testing us! She started school in September and LOVES it!! She only goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9-12 so it is a good "break" for us both. She is loving having new friends and also loves having something that she gets to go do and look forward to. According to her teachers she does really well. She had some tests in the beginning b/c she wanted to always be with her cousin Titus but I think things have leveled out. She actually got put in time out TWICE in one day. Oh how lovely, her teachers didn't even tell me. She told on herself. But I talked to them and they said she was just having trouble not always being able to stand next to Titus but it was getting better as she made friends. other kid has been put in time out at all this year! haha My sweet stinker. She is actually all about following the rules and is pretty well behaved. So I do not worry about her. I see talking too much being her biggest problem but she comes by it honest so I can't blame her!
She is still taking ballet which she also loves! She is a beautiful dancer when she is not allowing the other girls to influence her.
Tommi is a professional big sister. She fights with Miley alot but is also her best friend and helps out with her alot! I am spoiled having Tommi as my little helper. I could not ask for a better big sister!
She is still my smarty pants! I am amazed by her facts she knows and her desire to learn. She asks many times a day how to spell certain words and sometimes will write them down. She is also working on sounding out words! I hope her desire to learn never goes away! Even if she is not the smartest kid in her class, if she is eager to learn then that is all I can ask!! wild thing! I could not love this child more! She is amazing! She is also quite a pistol and gives me a run for my money. She is a climber and a dare devil. She doesn't walk much..she runs!
She has a large vocabulary and learns a new word almost everyday. She can recognize many animals and the noises they make. Cows, monkeys, and horses are her favorites but she knows many. She LOVES pointing things out and telling you about them. Usually telling you want it is then alot of nonsense but she knows exactly what she is talking about. She has the worlds cutest "please" and "thank you" and uses them correctly and often. She is becoming more of a snuggler...mainly when she is tired but I will take it.
She currently thinks hitting is ok...we are working hard on that! When she gets out!! She is crazy! I laugh alot b/c she just gets so fired up!
She is sleeping through the night...goes down about 830-9 and up around 730. Then she just wants to cuddle for a while before eating breakfast.
She did wean herself at the beginning of October. Sad but nice day. She has been only nursing morning and night. I stopped offering and she rarely asked then just stopped. I was ready. After she weaned I would still rock her at naptime and bedtime. But in the last couple weeks she started asking to go straight to bed. So naptime she goes straight to her bed and bedtime we rock and say our prayers then she wants bed. It is REALLY NICE to lay her down and not hear from her till the morning. The snuggles were nice but I get them other times so it is ok.
Naptime she goes down from 2-4. Which is at the same time as Tommi so that is super awesome!!

I just fall more in love with these girls daily! They challenge me, teach me, and amaze me! I could not ask for better kids!

And to end #3 will be here in June 2014! I am swaying between feeling like "I can do this" and wondering if I have a screw loose! But Tommi is over the top excited and Miley has no idea what she is in for!

Tommi's reaction to us telling her was "You are joking me!" she kept saying it over and over. Then she got really excited and has told everyone she sees! It is so fun!
We told Miley "You are gonna be a big sister!" She said "No, no, no" and then hugged Tommi! haha

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Miley is back to sleeping through the night...well mainly. She has been getting up at 6 but nursing and going back to bed till 830-9 or she at least did that a few times last week. But as long as I'm not up in the middle of the night I will take it!

Miley is now telling me when she poops...she grabs her but and says "poopy" It surprises me everytime. I always think there is no way she is really doing that...then she does it again. After quite a few times I am convinced she does not like poop on her butt. I can not blame her but at 16 months I'm impressed. I'm hoping maybe this means she is gonna be an early potty trainer (they say cloth diaper babies potty train earlier)

Tommi is most definitely growing up way too fast! I look at her a couple times a day and my breath is taken away b/c I have a little girl...not a toddler but a kid! She is so beautiful!

To go along with growing up Tommi is giving us a run for our money with the attitude...she is pushing her limits to the max! The sweet Tommi is still there...thank God b/c I NEED her calms my heart and I love it.

Life is good!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Oh sweet sleep

Sleep was going so well. Miley was sleeping approx 10-11 hours a night. She would sometimes wake up at like 12-1 and I had to go in hold her for a min (which usually lasted longer than needed b/c I love her sweet snuggles) then should would go back to bed till morning! Oh how I loved this! Naps were great...usually a 1.5 to 2 hour morning and afternoon nap. Heavenly!

Wednesday night was one of the worst nights in a long time. At about 1 AM she woke up and screamed liked she was hurting for a while then finally calmed and went back to sleep only to repeat the process and  wake up at 2 till 3,430,5, then 7 for the day! WOW! I was beat. Everytime I had to stand up and hold her till she calmed. Then on Thursday she took a 30 min morning nap and no afternoon one (she screamed and would never let me put her down) she did take a short nap as we went to the inlaws. Nothing worth anything though.

Thursday was a disaster too. She went down at 830 slept till 3 then would not calm down unless I was holding her and standing up. Finally I lost it and came back to my bed and cried at which point TJ knew I had had enough and was losing my mind. So he went in and ended up getting her to sleep at around 630 on his chest then was able to roll over and she slept on the extra bed in her room till 745. I had to get up and go in with her when TJ left at 7. Friday I kept Miley up from her morning nap b/c she seemed to be not sleepy and I thought maybe it would lead to a longer afternoon one. Well she went down at 1pm and slept an hour! UGH!!! Basically she got up as Tommi went down!

Friday evening TJ left for a tournament so I had the girls alone. I had such bad anxiety about it but knew there was nothing I could do but pray. Well I got Miley down, got Tommi down, did the dishes, and got to bed by 11pm. Which is early for me. Only to be awoken at 1130 to the stinking smoke alarm in the living room chirping every minute. Figuring it was the battery I took it out (it runs on electric the battery is just for back up)...that helped for about 10 minutes. Then it started up again. So I knew nothing else to do. I called my FIL about 12pm. He ended up having to unplug it (I tried earlier but couldn't get it). Finally got back in bed about 1am. Miley woke up at 4am and I finally got her settled back around 5am. She was up at 7am. Saturday I kept her up again b/c she was acting great. She went down at 120pm and was up at 250pm. Not cool.

I forget how it went Saturday night went better. She woke up at 3ish and let me put her back in her bed semi awake. Then she got up at 630am and I figured she was up for the day so I took her into the living room and nursed her. She then fell asleep and slept on my chest till 745am. Sunday we left to meet TJ in Richmond for his tournament. So she slept on the way down then took a few quick naps between games. We got to our hotel around 930pm and got her to sleep by 10pm then she was up at 2am and would not let me put her back down. Thankfully she would lay on my chest but would not be still long, readjusting, etc. Finally I got her back in her bed by 4am and she slept till 6am and slept next to me (chest to chest) till 8am! Woo hoo!

She was not nursing anymore in the middle of the night but I have caved alot to just calm her and let myself sit since it was the only way she would let me sit down. Whatever has to be done!

So I know things are going to get better. They have to, I just wish I knew what caused thing to begin. She is normal during the day (some tired melt downs but that is to be expected). So she has me confused!

This too shall pass is what I am holding on to. I know the Lord will help her...I can go with out sleep (generally) but she can't keep this up!

It is a good thing I love her so much :) 

Now are we going to one nap?...I sure hope not. Are we done nursing at night? I hope so! 

Monday, May 20, 2013


Well today started out so well...the girls and I got up ate breakfast and got dressed...the girls looked SO cute matching and I ended up matching colorwise also. So we were so perfect going out to Target. We went to Target and had a good trip aka the girls were perfectly behaved! Then we went to the pet store and enjoyed talking to the puppies and watching some turtles swim.

After all that we went home and I was putting away our goodies. Preheated the oven to make grilled cheese while the girls played and ate some fruit snacks (I bribe my kids to be good). And was waiting for a video TJ sent me to download. I was feeling like such a "put together mom". I was rocking my job!

Next thing I know Tommi slipped coming into the kitchen and smacked her face on the wall...I have NO idea how b/c it was on the hard wood floor, she was barefoot, and there was nothing on the floor. She cried out immediately. I figured it scared her more than it hurt. She was grabbing her face. So I moved her hand and saw nothing till the blood started pouring down her face. Panic set in...

I scooped her up and ran to the bathroom to get her a wet wash cloth, called TJ to tell him Tommi needed stitches and to see if he could meet me at the hospital, and in the process knocked Miley over making her cry. Tommi heard stitches and started crying harder "I don't want stitches, what are stitches, I don't want to go to the hospital!" With the bleeding taken care of (Tommi holding a wash cloth on it) I grabbed a couple snacks for Miley's make-shift lunch, scooped both girls up (forgetting shoes for them both), and was out the door.

The drive consisted of lots of shaking b/c I was not prepared for "real life" emergencies. They play through my mind daily but never had a "real" serious situation. My mom was not available so I called my dad. I needed prayer...more for me than her. I was speeding too much but I was kinda panicking  I hit road work which had me stopped for a good 5 min...ugh!!!! I was tempted to get out and say "Look I need to get to the hospital" but then it hit that she was fine and was not gonna die if I waited an extra couple minutes..which did not stop me from yelling at the driver in front of me for driving 45 in a 55 after we got moving. But I was ok...Tommi was quiet but shaking b/c she was scared. All I wanted to do was hold my baby...hold her and comfort her...or her comfort me :)

Got to the hospital, TJ and his dad met me in the parking lot and I handed the keys over, and walked what seemed like a mile into the ER carrying Tommi while she shook. In my mind I wanted the whole place the jump and fix my baby NOW! But they checked us in like it was normal...I guess it is for them haha They fast tracked us (sent us to the head of the line) and got us back in a room with in 7 minutes!

Tommi would not leave my arms so I had to sit on the bed with her. I finally convinced her to lay down so she could relax. The nurse came in and said "Good that is fixable" haha Next came the dr and talked to me all about stitches and what they will do. Being extra careful never to say "shot" or anything to freak Tommi out! I could have hugged him...found out later he has a 3 yr old little girl so he knew all too well what was up. While in the room alone I was able to look her over and noticed she hit her forehead all the way down to her chin...a red line across her whole face. She had a big ol fat lip by that point, with bruising inside her lip so I checked her teeth. All looked good...thank you Jesus!

Not too long later the nurse came in with some numbing gel which would take the edge off the numbing shot. We had to wait about 30 min for it soak in etc. Which in that time a nurse came in and set all the drs stuff up and Tommi asked "what is that?" to everything. I also spent that time explaining what was gonna go down, letting her know there would be no surprises and letting her get the scared tears out. So she went from crying to brave and back just getting it all out.

So then the time I feared came...the dr came in with his nurse and I had to get off the bed and stand next to my tiny 4 year old on a huge bed...she was NOT happy about this. The dr asked if he needed to strap her down b/c he couldn't limbs flailing with needles present. So I asked Tommi and through scared tears she wanted to just hold my hands (Thank God b/c I needed her to hold my hands to help me be brave) So they cleaned her cut with "brown soap" which Tommi thought was so funny and giggled the entire time. Then came the shot :( She didn't flinch when he first put it in but as he started moving to different spots she said "Mommy that hurts" and cried a bit. But she did SO much better than I expected. Then he rinsed it with a syringe with a cup on the end...which she also found super funny. Then the stitches...he did the first and she cried and said it hurt which had me pretty concerned but the dr said it was pressure she was feeling and not real pain. After the first stitch she had a bit of a crying fit telling the dr "Just give me a minute" which he gave her a couple seconds but then she got it together enough for him to keep going. I watched the whole thing. He did 2 more with less problem b/c Tommi figured out it was not pain. And finally it was all over bandaged and done! She seriously did SO well! The dr and nurse both said they needed to keep her there to show other kids how it is done! I was so proud of her!

Or so I thought...Tommi was fixed up but I got lightheaded from low blood sugar and the whole thing finally getting to me. I drank some water and fanned myself. I could hear Miley crying in the waiting room so I was trying to hurry out so I told the nurse I was fine. Tommi walked and as we made it out the doors into the waiting room I blacked out and had to sit down. Vision came back thankfully after I sat down. TJ brought me a diet coke. One of the nurses who had been in with us spotted me and said "Wait here, do not get up!" She brought back a wash cloth and ice. I ate some cracker and drank my diet coke. I felt much better but the nurse insisted I rode in a wheel chair out...ugh!

So we were headed home with Tommi in good spirits and me feeling better. We had to stop for the promised Slurpee! :)

She has not complained one bit about pain or anything so I am so glad! She even went to ballet tonight and did great!

I just thank God for protecting her from further injury and the fact she did not get knocked out. I also am so thankful TJ and his dad were close by, had finished working, and could meet me there. That was such a huge blessing, more than I could express. I was able to focus totally on Tommi and really just give her all my attention. I needed her as much as she needed me, if not more. I am also thankful for a wonderful hospital that took such good care of the both of us! We were in and out in an hour and 15 min. (including my episode)

My heart has yet to recover but I am glad my sweet girl is doing so well. I'm gladly letting her milk it...heck I sat in and talked to her a while before bed b/c she was just so sweet and full of theories of who she is braver than and the whole ordeal! :)

Poor Miley suffered a bit from lack of sleep and lack of a "real" meal but I snuggled her extra tight tonight too. I hope and pray these are our first and last set of stitches. Miley is crazy but hopefully she will avoid them!

Friday, May 17, 2013

4 year old questions

20 Questions...answered by Tommi on 4/27/13

1. What is your favorite color? PURPLE AND PINK
2. What is your favorite toy? MY YELLOW BOUNCY BALL (SIT ON AND BOUNCE)
3. What is your favorite fruit? ORANGES
4. What is your favorite tv show? CURIOUS GEORGE
5. What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? TURKEY SANDWICH
6. What is your favorite outfit? SOMETHING FANCY
7. What is your favorite game? PLAYING DOCTOR
8. What is your favorite snack? FRUIT SNACKS
9. What is your favorite animal? ELEPHANTS
10. What is your favorite song? MY SONGS (I GUESS THE ONES SHE MAKES UP)
11. What is your favorite book? CURIOUS GEORGE ONE
12. Who is your best friend? SAMUEL
13. What is your favorite cereal? CHERRIOES
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? SWING
15. What is your favorite drink? GRAPE JUICE
16. What is your favorite holiday? CHRISTMAS
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? STUFFED ANIMALS, DOG AND MERMAID (LALA-LOOPSIES)
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? PB & HONEY AND PB & JELLY
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? PIZZA
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? A CHEERLEADER  AND A KID DOCTOR


Miley is becoming a much better sleeper!

The past few weeks (with few fluke nights) she has slept from 8-9 pm till around 12-1am then sleep till 7-8am.

Last night she slept from 830pm-8am!!!!! AMAZING! Then she took a 2 hour morning nap and a 3 hour afternoon nap (in which I then woke her b/c it was getting late and we needed to go eat dinner)

Praying this is a new trend! Sleeping through the night is a dream come true!!!

Going cloth

Due to many many friends talking about their love for cloth diapers and b/c Miley is not a huge wetter diaper wise so sometimes I throw away barely wet diapers and well buying diapers stinks....I am trying cloth diapers.

As of now I plan to use them at home to get used to them then we will see if I'm brave enough for all the time. Since starting is expensive I can't afford to go totally cloth.

I'm SUPER pumped! I talked to moms and researched the ones I thought I would like best (mainly low maintenance) so far I have gone with Softbums and we will see how I like them. But everyone I have talked to loves them the most.

I'm also doing cloth wipes b/c it is much easier to just wrap them up with the diaper/insert and wash together, instead of worrying about throwing away wipes separate etc.

I think I'm slightly crazy but I don't like creating so much waste esp since disposable diapers decompose VERY estimate of 250-500 years! WOW! And the "eco friendly" disposables are more expensive than going cloth.

So I should be getting my orders in the next week or so.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Miley is definitely gonna be the child that gives me a run for my money....though I say that in one of the toughest "phases" with Tommi b/c the tude is full blow and she is trying to be the boss. We battle but she is still SO sweet most of the time!

Well I have always said "no" and redirected her. Recently I tried tapping her hand to get my point across, well she finds it funny. She will actually walk up to something she knows she is not supposed to touch, look at me, tap her own hand, and smile! WOW! It is too cute but has me shaking my head!

Wow I love her but she is gonna wear me out!

Monday, April 22, 2013

15 month

Miley cakes is officially 15 months old and the happiest and busiest child ever!

She wants to be on the move all the time and if not on the move she is sleeping or eating. She is also always smiling and giggling at anything and everything.

She is also learning everyday. She tries to repeat everything we say. But her words are ...dada, mama, pappy, dean (major fav), book, ball, hi, bye, baby (another fav), kitty, dog, belly, and a version of Dobro/Doe that changes. (I think that is all) And lots of who knows whats.

She yells and points at Dobro everytime we go outside. When we swing and he is out of his house she can't keep her eyes off him. Just pointing the entire time.

She screams loudly when she wants more or is not getting the attention she wants. It is funny and annoying all at the same time.

She signs "more" and "please". More works for food or anything she wants more of in general. Also if she is hungry she will sometimes sign more. Please is about the sweetest thing. She rubs her chest and turns from side to side. I LOVE her communicating more effectively!

She can show you her head and belly.

She is the biggest ham! She makes the goofiest faces and does whatever else she can figure out to make us laugh. Of course her biggest fan and the one she can make laugh anytime is Tommi. They are very funny when they get each other going.

She gives high fives and sometimes finger fives (thanks to her sis).

When she is ready for bed she will come to me and then start blowing kisses and saying bye to anyone around! It is too cute.

She tells everyone "hi" clear as day. Everyone eats it up when we are out.

She is still nursing. First thing in the morning, before morning nap, before afternoon nap, sometimes before dinner, bedtime, then a couple times over night.

We are back to waking up everything 3 hours...blah! But this too shall pass!

So we had her appointment today and based on the sheet they gave me she was beyond her age in things she does. Which shocks me b/c I thought she was behind on things. But of course she is smart and talented ;) She is just so much more active and doesn't want to sit down to learn as much as Tommi did. But different kids but both so awesome.

Well of course to no surprise she is a peanut...she weighted 18lbs 1oz (10%) and was 28 3/4 inches long (5%). My little stick of dynamite! Growing perfectly!

I asked the dr about a rash Miley had and the dr thinks it is ring worm....YUCK!!!  So we have to put Lotromin on it for 4 weeks. My kids and their skin irritations!

She got 2 shots so only 2 more to go to get her caught up. She will get those at 18 months.

I love good well visits and am so thankful such a wonderful dr for my girls!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

4 year check up

Today Tommi had her 4 year old check up...TJ and his dad scheduled jobs for later so that I could focus on Tommi alone. Which I have to note meant ALOT to me. Tommi gets up off a bit at times since Miley is so needy! So it was REALLY exciting for me to focus totally on Tommi, even if it was a drs appt. Special time is special time!

So they started with a hearing thoughts "Tommi is so good at communicating this will be easy" HAHA I totally forgot how strong willed she is. She had to hold a headphone type thing to one ear and tell us when she heard a beep. Which we said she could do anyway she wanted tap a leg, raise a hand, say beep, whatever as long as we knew. Well..she did ok on the first ear...she would say "I heard a bunch of beeps" then the second ear she said "I'm tired of talking" and basically refused to do it. After some coaxing and serious talking she did with a groan. She sqeezed my hand once then said "I heard those, I'm done" Which was fine, so she passed. Then she did the eye test and she did great. (I pray she never had to have glasses!!!)

Then Dr H came in. Well then we couldn't shut Tommi up! She was all about talking and telling everything. She was super healthy and growing very well!

We talked about these reoccuring bumps of hers and Dr H seems to think a clorox (1/4 cup in bath) once a week would be good for her. Which would hopefully kill it all and keep the infection away.

Weight: 36lbs (50-75%)
Height: 40.5 inches (50-75%)

Based on the question sheet she is doing quite a few things like a 5 year old! :) She is so smart. The dr was super impressed with her ability to carry on a good conversation, with eye contact and all. I'm so proud of her!!! Like more than I can express!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Tommi!

Where has time gone?!? My little Easter bunny is turning 4! I could not be more excited and sad at the same time. She is growing up to be such a fun, sweet, wonderful little girl. But has a big attitude and is showing to be more like me by the day. In some ways watching her turn into me is fun b/c well I know I am shaping a human being but it scares me b/c I was a pistol!

She tests my patience with her big attitude and desire to be the boss all the time but then cuddles and loves like no one else! She is most definitely a sweet snuggle bunny! I adore this about her.

The next year brings a whole new chapter of starting school (preschool) and becoming more independent. I am embracing this while holding back tears.

Happy birthday to my sweet snuggle bunny and the worlds best big sister!!!

Someone please tell me why 4 sounds so much older than 3?!?!

Posting the day before her b-day b/c tomorrow will be busy with everyone coming up for the big party on Saturday!!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Miley Sleep

As anyone and everyone who has ever talked to me knows Miley is not a good sleeper. I have been told more times than I can count that I am so patient to deal with her not sleeping through the night at over a year old.

I have realized recently, I actually enjoy her not sleeping through the night. OK I have to say I do not like the nights she is up 3/4 times a night or the nights she wakes up and will not stop crying or won't go back to sleep b/c she wants to play. So basically the nights she sleeps 4+ hour stretches and goes right back to sleep when I nurse her.

I will most definitely miss the cuddles, the breath on my neck, the snuggles, the need for me and me alone, and again the cuddles! Miley is not a cuddly kid, she is way too active. So when I get snuggle time I am pumped.

She is only little for so long and if she is still waking up more than once a night by her second birthday, we will be having a talk!

Last night was an ideal night...she went down at 9pm, woke up and nursed at 430, and woke up for the day at 830. Heavenly!

Some nights she falls asleep nursing and some nights she nurses until she is very sleepy but wants no more then she crawls up gets her passy from me, lays her head on my shoulder, I get a couple minutes of snuggles, and then lay her in bed awake and she goes right to sleep.

I am not seeing the nursing stopping anytime soon since she is slightly addicted and will not drink more than 2 sips of milk from a sippy cup at a meal. I would not be totally opposed to her dropping her 2 naptime feedings but for now she still nurses first thing in the morning, before morning nap, before afternoon nap, sometimes before dinner, bedtime, and whenever she wakes up during the night.

Monday, March 25, 2013


Tommi has a VERY big imagination. I love it so we pretend play a lot and try to make sure she is not embarrassed of playing make believe.

Right now she has "Hugo" her sometimes husband, sometimes just friend. "Arie (are-E)" he is her boyfriend/friend and he is a water boy haha.

The story behind Arie...Tommi was cheering for him while TJ and her were watching a basketball game and TJ said "Does Arie play on the team?" Tommi said "No he brings the players water." Holding back laughter TJ said "So he is the water boy?" Which Tommi proudly said "Yes!"

She is forever "calling" her friends on the phone and making up different things that are going on. It is a blast to watch her mind work!

She is wild...

Miley is a wild child. She wants to be on the go all the time! After walking for almost 2 weeks she is starting to almost run...good God help me! I thought Tommi had a party going on but Miley is a whole different ball game. And honestly I love it!

If I turn my back for too long I will most likely find Miley up on top of something she is not supposed to be...mostly Tommi's kid table which she loves pulling the chairs out and climbing on. So lovely! She seriously has NO fear!

She now can say mama, daddy, ball, kitty, pappy, dean, bye bye, hey, hi, and be-be (blueberry i think). She whispers kitty and pappy, which is too sweet!

She is really good about putting her arms in her jacket and taking them out of the carseat straps when I unbuckle it. If something is in her hands she will switch hands to put that arm through, etc. I'm not sure if this is impressive but I think it is.

She is getting really smart with everyday things. I seriously LOVE watching her discover the world and just normal details I overlook. (I loved this stage with Tommi too)

Miley's new nick name is "Queen of Destruction". She enjoys going up to tables, shelves, anything at her level and clearing it! i.e. My parents coffee table can have nothing on it when she is around. The shoes at Dick's today were not save and as I picked up one 3 more were on the ground...thank God for the stroller.

Bedtime has always been nurse then lay on my chest for a bit to get into a deep sleep. This no longer can be done, I have to be standing and she puts her head on my shoulder...she likes to turn her face in and breathe her sweet breath on my neck. I could hold her like that forever...I love the little cuddle time she gives me. Most of the time she goes into her bed semi-awake or fully awake but sleepy. This is a BIG deal! I still like having her fall asleep on me but it is helpful when she will not do that.  Last night she slept from 8-1030 nursed, slept till 230 nursed, then slept from 3-9 (woohoo!) She is not feeling good with a runny nose and yucky cough so this was better than expected.

I wish I knew what she loved so much about my parents house b/c she sleeps well there and pulls 6 hour stretches when we get home.

We will sleep through the night one day. But I'm MUCH happier with our sleep now and I can totally deal. (knock on wood)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


I have been so bad about updating.

So much going on...I'll do my best to hit what I can.

Miley at almost 14 months is still not sleeping through the night. She pulled a couple nights in a row of only getting up once (2 six hour stretches) but then before I could even get excited she was back to getting up twice a night (3 four-ish hour stretches) I'm can't complain much b/c I seriously love her so much.

Something has been up with her b/c she is not eating food very well and her falling asleep skills have been "off". Usually she nurses and just goes to sleep then I put her passy in her mouth, let her lay on my chest for a couple mins and then put her in her bed. But recently she is nursing and will fall asleep but as soon as I move her she gets mad and wants to keep nursing. When I have had enough I have to deal with her throwing herself around for a minute till she finally takes her passy. Then she will sometimes go to sleep on my chest but othertimes I have to let her cry in her bed for a couple minutes (which is all it takes for her to fall asleep) Naptime just falls asleep nursing and has no issue so who knows. I'm rollin with the punches b/c this too shall pass.

Miley is a terrible picky eater...worse than Tommi. Basically blueberries, grapes, strawberries, chicken, PB&J, grilled cheese, yogurt, Cheerios, and cereal bars. Which is all still hit and miss...mainly miss this past week.

I don't know what I'm gonna do with Miley sometimes b/c of how adventurous she is sometimes. Tonight at TJ's parents house we had the stairs blocked my a chair (which has worked...until now) and she walked up and used all she had to move the chair! Of course I was with her so she didn't go down the steps but good gracious can she just accept somethings are off limits. She also stuck her head between the spinals of the railing and got it stuck b/c she kept turning her head sideways after getting it through.

Tommi...oh my sweet (almost 4 year old) is doing AMAZING in dance! She is so sassy but super serious about it. I wish I could even touch on how awesome she is and remember the things she comes up with. She LOVES pretending and always has a "friend" here or she is talking to them. We have lots of dance parties and she is forever making up dances. Which are hilarious!

The other day Tommi said "Oh no, mom!" Worried I said "What's wrong babe?" she said "It's time for a dance party!" and started dancing and laughing!

My mom gave her gum the other day and she said "That's brilliant!"  ha

I was getting upset with her and was telling her why she couldn't do something (I can't remember what). So I went to give her reasons and said "One b/c ..., two b/c ...," and before I could finish she said  "and three, I'm not talking to you!" haha what?!?! I couldn't even be upset anymore!

She can now count to 6 in Spanish which is a memory thing but it is pretty awesome when she pulls it out and surprises someone.

Tommi is such a great big sister. Though she tries to steal the spotlight ALL THE TIME. She is so good with Miley and they both love each other to pieces! There is such a bond that I can only see getting so much stronger. Anytime Tommi meets a friend she brings them over to introduce them to Miley.

If I could only bottle these girls up!


Well it is official as of last night Miley is a walker. She has taken steps before but only here and there but last night she finally just became comfortable and did it. I gave her a bath and then we were playing in her room and Tommi and I went into the bathroom to comb her hair and low and behold here comes our little walker, from her room to the bathroom and then down the hall! I had to hold Tommi's mouth so she did not scare her and make her fall. When she finally did fall to her butt, we showered her with claps and excitement. Which for anyone who knows Miley, they know that is her dream come true! She just slightly loves attention!

She did alot of walking today. She still crawls if she is sitting somewhere and there is nothing to pull up on but she only crawls to something then is off walking. It is really funny b/c she is so little. Too cute! She has wonderful balance though and it is so cute when she starts to wobble.

I thought I would be less fascinated by her walking since I have already been through one learning to walk but she is different and has a different walk so I am loving it once again! My kids are awesome! :)

Monday, February 4, 2013

So blessed

In a slump...

But I want to note how happy I am right now with life. My girls are insanely amazing! I am blessed beyond my own imagination. 

Tommi is definitely 3 aka has a tude and is down right crazy sometimes but that girl has the sweetest heart and is such a sponge when it comes to learning things. She has such a sweet heart and amazing personality. She is born leader...aka bossy! :) She is all about pretending right now and it is so cool to watch and be a part of! Tonight we were reading some kid devotionals and they were about Gods love and how to show Gods love and she came up with all kinds of ways she can show Gods love to her friends who in her words "have Jesus in their hearts too b/c they are nice". Then when I went to kiss her good night for bed she asked "Is Jesus still in my heart when I am not kind to my friends? B/c sometimes I forget to be nice." Of course I told her that he never leaves her and when that happens we just have to ask him to forgive us and do better. She said "Good b/c I want to have Gods love." OMG! If I can do nothing else for my girls I want them to KNOW Gods love and to love him back! B/c everything else will fall into place if they love God and trust in him. I'm one proud momma!
Tommi started dance last week...she switched from gymnastics and I think it was a great switch for her. She has such a love for music and movement that I think she will find so much value in the class. It is much more calm and organized and she is SO over the top happy. Plus who can not resist a little girl in a leotard, tutu, and ballet slippers?!?! 

Miley is honestly such a joy to be around (most of the time) She is so happy and is just totally full of herself. Like always when she is mad, she is really mad and when she is happy, she is over the top happy. She completes a piece of my heart I never knew was missing. She is such a little sunshine in any room she enters. I have people stop all the time to admire her and just have her smile at them. It is awesome! She doing pretty well in her bed. She has good nights and bad nights. But I really think some teeth must be messing with her b/c she gets down right uncomfortable sometimes. None the less she does love her bed and I really think she is happier in her crib. On Sunday after a rough night she woke up at 8am and played in her bed till 845am. I wished I had a video monitor to watch her but listening to her on the monitor was entertainment enough. So no we are still not sleeping through the night and her nursing and eating vary by the day but she just likes keeping me on my toes. All of this too shall pass and I will miss her sweet little body laying on my chest at 2am and knowing I am her world and I make her feel as safe as possible! If it did not interrupt my sleep I'd let her stay there all night!
I'm so crazy in love with her and her crazyness. She is fearless compared to Tommi. She climbs and tumbles and is just full force. Love it...and fear it.

For note purposes that I will laugh at one the last month I have asked my breast feeding moms group about Mileys crazy schedule a million times. First she was nursing "too much". She would nurse before naps, after naps/before meals, and sometimes more random snacks in there. Then she was only wanting to nurse before naps and leaving me engorged esp in the mornings (she would go 4am-10am with out nursing). Now she is back to before naps and before meals and back to nursing in the mornings when she gets up.  I'm learning to take it moment by moment with her and since she is one and knows best for her body I know she will be ok. She can use a cup but mainly wants to play with it so trying to make her skip a feeding and just use a cup at a meal is not happening. I'm not planning on weaning but tried it when she was skipping meals last week. If I can remember anything for my potential next one (maybe not after this crazy child) take things in strides and unless they seem like they are missing something (nutrition) and are happy just let it be, tomorrow is a new day. Phases happen and it will be ok.

The new house has been a dream come true for all of us. I finally feel "free" and not trapped to the living room. Miley can go everywhere with no baby gates and Tommi just seems more "at home". I can not explain it but I feel like I am living a dream! I'm even doing better cleaning b/c I love my house that much! haha 

God is SO good!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Night 1

She went to sleep about 9, was up at 1230 to nurse, then up at 4 to nurse, up at 530 to finish nursing, slept until 830. So things went better than expected.

She is battling something, teething or virus, b/c her nose is pretty runny and she is SUPER clingy and tired. 

I hate the feeling that she is not getting enough to eat (food) but I offer things and she denies them so I can't make her eat.

This too shall pass! 

Monday, January 28, 2013

Own room

So tonight is officially the night Miley goes to her own room. I can make no more excuses for keeping her in my room. The last 2 nights she has slept abnormally well only waking up twice during the night and going right back to sleep with nursing. So I was VERY hesitant to do this but I said I was going to so I am doing it. I hesitated even more b/c she did not nurse or eat well today so I'm concerned she isn't feeling well even though she is acting fine.

Usually our night routine is jammies then we go in my room and she nurses usually to sleep, sometimes she will nurse then go to sleep laying on my chest. But it is usually a fool proof method. It usually is a 15 to 30 min thing depending on how tired she was to start with. So usually goes down at 8ish so I am out by 830 to chill with Tommi before she goes to bed at 9. It is great.

Well tonight Miley got super sleepy at 730/745 so I got her all ready and we went into her room and sat in the rocking chair and she nursed. Well she didn't seem to nurse super well but finally kinda slowed down and went to sleep. Well I went to get up and put her in her bed and she woke up. I still laid her down and rubbed her back for a min. But she never went to sleep so I went out. Well only seconds later she was full on screaming. So I went back in picked her up calmed her and put her down, instant screaming. This happen a few times but she would never go to sleep when I would hold her and rock her. FINALLY I got her to sleep and put her down. But the whole ordeal lasted over an hour...not cool.

She has been down for an hour. I'm praying hard this goes better than expected.

I need her out of my room b/c I am tired of creeping in at night and just not having my own space. TJ and I need OUR room back. So I pray this goes well and I'm not back and forth from her room a million times. I don't wanna sleep in her room b/c I don't want her to hear me and get used to that.

So here we go...just really hard!

Also praying she doesn't wake Tommi up when she does wake up to nurse during the night.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


I finally sat down for my daily chill sess with the big man, Jesus!

I have been slacking on our time together and it bothers me greatly b/c I do have the time. I just get so selfish sometimes and spend the quiet time around here playing on the computer or napping. I'm not happy with this b/c that stuff is so much less important.

So finally I'm getting back in my groove.

I open to read my devotional today and I think the Lord was trying to smack me in the face and remind me how silly I have been to leave him in the dust when I needed him most.

With the move, Mileys sleeping getting worse, and house stuff I have been super overwhelmed to the point I have had bad anxiety and even lost weight.

So a paraphrase of my devotions...

When things seem to be Me!
When life seems out of control...thank Me!
Doing this will lift you above the circumstances. If you do what comes naturally in the face of difficulties, you fall prey to negativism.  Even few complaints can set you in a downward spiral., by darkening your perspective and mind-set. With this attitude controlling you, complaints flow more and more readily from your mouth.  Each one moves you steadily down a slippery spiral. The lower you go, the faster you slide; but you can hit the brakes. Cry out to Me in My Name! Affirm your trust in me, regardless of how you feel. Thank me for everything! Gradually you will begin to ascend, recovering lost ground.
When you are back on level ground, you can face circumstances from a humble perspective.
By doing this you will experience unfathomable peace.

Wow, really?!?!

My problem is not complaining but dwelling on things and letting them take over. By letting them do this and not getting a grip and REALLY trusting God. I make things so much worse!

I WANT unfathomable peace...that just sounds awesome!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Blowing kisses

Miley has started blowing kisses! My heart could not melt any more when I see her little open mouth and chubby hand come together! It is SUPER sweet.

She also has gotten big into waving. She will be across the room and wave to me over and over. She also is more consistently waving and saying "buh-bye".

I love watching her come to life! Tommi is digging it too b/c she claims to have taught her everything she knows. I let her believe it b/c it is part of her important job as a big sis!

Tonight the girls took a bath and I have had Miley in a bath seat since she could sit up. So I tried her with out it since she is old enough to sit in the bath by herself. Well that little wiggle worm about gave me a heart attack climbing all over the tub and trying to stand up...back to the seat to keep her contained! She is too wild!

Monday, January 21, 2013

One year appt and sick sis

Today was Miley's one year appt...the plan was to leave Tommi with TJ's mom but she has had a stomach ache since Friday so I took her with me too.

So they checked Tommi out and due to a red yucky throat they did a strep swab...which upset her. The dr said she was not worried about the stomach ache b/c she sqeezed and pushed on her belly and it didn't hurt her. Well the strep test came back negative so she just has a virus. She said the stomach ache is part of that. So that is good b/c it is not serious and bad b/c we have to wait it out to go away.

Miley was next she weighed 16lbs 2ozes (5%) and 27 inches long (2%). The dr said she doesn't think the height measurement was right. She asked about her eating and I told her she was not a big eater. She made me feel like I was doing something wrong but Miley just isn't a big eater. Some days she eats great, other she only nurses. But I just can't read into it. Otherwise she is super healthy and growing great!

She had to get a finger prick which sucks, esp in the winter time b/c cold hands cause bad blood flow. So she had to work Miley's finger and it took a little bit which was not ok with Miley. But she lived.

Shots wise she was supposed to get 3 but I only did the one MMR and we will catch up later.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Year birthday

So one year ago today I gave birth to my second spunky little girl. This year has flown by SO fast...almost strangely fast.

Miley is such a little sunshine. She is full of giggles and silly noises. She is just plain fun to be around, she makes life super exciting.

She is learning so much so quickly. Honestly in the last month she has turned into a whole new kid. She is figuring out the world and how things work and it is awesome.

She says mama, dada, bye bye, and she waves...but most of the time it is only at herself in a mirror haha

She is finally eating more food far from a big eater but considering her size that is ok. But if it is baby food it has be the organic stuff in the pouches. Picky little girl...but I can't expect much less b/c she is mine! She sure loves pizza though :)

During the day she is the happiest little thing and most of the time naps like a champ. BUT night time is a whole different ball game, she is up at least 3 times if not more. If she gets up every 3 hours I'm lucky. She likes to nurse some and fall back to sleep only to wake up a short time later for a little more. I think now she makes up for her lack of nursing during the day all in her night feedings. I really do love the extra snuggles but I do not feel like I need to see her that much haha. Esp since now I wake up nurse her then put her back in her more sleeping with mommy. She flips and crawls around too much.

I'm just praying when we finally get her room heat fixed things will change.

Well we had her party today. I wanted to do it at our new house so I did just the immediate family...which was 20 people in itself (Luke and Katie couldn't come). So we had pizza and cupcakes. I was pleased b/c it was very laid back and I felt in control. It flowed well too.

When Miley did her dig in cake she went right to business. She only had one little taste but she did tear into it pretty good. It was awesome!

Miley was the party girl the whole time, keeping everyone well entertained! She even was in a good mood after the party for a while. So that made things really nice.

I still can not believe she is one! But definitely looking forward to the year to come...but it can move more slowly b/c I gotta soak in all the baby I can!

One year appt on Monday so I'll know stats then on the mighty mite.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Big girl bed!

We moved on Dec 31st, which means we moved Tommi into a big girl bed FINALLY! She loved her crib and did so well with it, I kinda didn't want to move her but at almost 4 it was about time. So her tiny little body is in a queen size bed. She is doing SO well. I expected she would get up and give us issues but she doesn't. She still hollars to get up and when she needs us. Well usually in the mornings she gets up on her own but since she sleeps late I'm ok with her getting up on her own.

I'm just so proud of her and how well she has done with the big change!

When she sleeping in a crib she always had so much stuff in it to snuggle with and I dare not take things out or she was not happy. Well now she is in a big is still super crowded! She is such a nut! Thankfully she does have more room so she is not as smushed with stuff but it does make me laugh.

I love my big girl...she is too smart for her own good. You don't get much past her and she knows it!


So we are approaching a year of me not sleeping through the night. I have grown used to it but would LOVE LOVE LOVE for it to end soon.

In the middle of the night Miley can be such a pain. She will wake up and nurse only to fall asleep again and I put her in her bed again and not long later she is up to finish her snack. I try my hardest to get her back to sleep with no nursing b/c I know she can't need it. Only to give in so I can sleep. In those moments I get much more upset then I would like to admit. I just get so frustrated. When only moments later I have the sweetest baby breath breathing on my chest and her head where I can steal the sweetest kisses ever. Then I find it very hard to put her down b/c I LOVE those moments of being able to kiss her head and smell her sweet baby-ness, knowing it will not last forever and I will sleep again and this may be the last time I have this moment with a child of my own. Knowing this it does not lessen my desire to sleep through the night but it just remind me to soak it up!

I love my sweet MJ more than words can say and as much of a pain in the butt she is with sleeping. She is by far one of the sweetest, most fun, and loving little girls ever! I just can not get enough of her smiles, "talking", and the belly laugh she does when her and Tommi are playing. She really is a piece of my heart I never knew was missing!

Friday, January 4, 2013


Ok so I can not help but compare my kids. It is natural, right? So I start comparing then get really sad b/c it seems Miley is so far behind where Tommi was at this age. Miley gives high fives and claps like a maniac but she is not signing, pointing, saying as many words, leafing through books, etc.

This evening TJ, Miley, and I went out to eat and run some errands. Tommi was with her grandparents at a basketball game. It is was kinda cool to spend some "alone" time with Miley with out her sister stealing the show. We had a blast laughing at her funny self and how excited and happy she is. There was a family at the table next to was a very pregnant momma, a dad, and a 2 y/o little girl. The little girl was totally the center of her parents world and I just looked at TJ and said "That was us only a short year ago" It is crazy how time changes. Last year at this time I was pregnant with Miley and had a very newly potty trained 2 year old who was still such a "baby". Now Miley is becoming her own little person and Tommi is most definitely not a baby she is such an independent big kid. So bitter sweet!

Just my thoughts I will laugh at one day when Miley is smarter than Tommi ;)