As anyone and everyone who has ever talked to me knows Miley is not a good sleeper. I have been told more times than I can count that I am so patient to deal with her not sleeping through the night at over a year old.
I have realized recently, I actually enjoy her not sleeping through the night. OK I have to say I do not like the nights she is up 3/4 times a night or the nights she wakes up and will not stop crying or won't go back to sleep b/c she wants to play. So basically the nights she sleeps 4+ hour stretches and goes right back to sleep when I nurse her.
I will most definitely miss the cuddles, the breath on my neck, the snuggles, the need for me and me alone, and again the cuddles! Miley is not a cuddly kid, she is way too active. So when I get snuggle time I am pumped.
She is only little for so long and if she is still waking up more than once a night by her second birthday, we will be having a talk!
Last night was an ideal night...she went down at 9pm, woke up and nursed at 430, and woke up for the day at 830. Heavenly!
Some nights she falls asleep nursing and some nights she nurses until she is very sleepy but wants no more then she crawls up gets her passy from me, lays her head on my shoulder, I get a couple minutes of snuggles, and then lay her in bed awake and she goes right to sleep.
I am not seeing the nursing stopping anytime soon since she is slightly addicted and will not drink more than 2 sips of milk from a sippy cup at a meal. I would not be totally opposed to her dropping her 2 naptime feedings but for now she still nurses first thing in the morning, before morning nap, before afternoon nap, sometimes before dinner, bedtime, and whenever she wakes up during the night.
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