Monday, January 21, 2013

One year appt and sick sis

Today was Miley's one year appt...the plan was to leave Tommi with TJ's mom but she has had a stomach ache since Friday so I took her with me too.

So they checked Tommi out and due to a red yucky throat they did a strep swab...which upset her. The dr said she was not worried about the stomach ache b/c she sqeezed and pushed on her belly and it didn't hurt her. Well the strep test came back negative so she just has a virus. She said the stomach ache is part of that. So that is good b/c it is not serious and bad b/c we have to wait it out to go away.

Miley was next she weighed 16lbs 2ozes (5%) and 27 inches long (2%). The dr said she doesn't think the height measurement was right. She asked about her eating and I told her she was not a big eater. She made me feel like I was doing something wrong but Miley just isn't a big eater. Some days she eats great, other she only nurses. But I just can't read into it. Otherwise she is super healthy and growing great!

She had to get a finger prick which sucks, esp in the winter time b/c cold hands cause bad blood flow. So she had to work Miley's finger and it took a little bit which was not ok with Miley. But she lived.

Shots wise she was supposed to get 3 but I only did the one MMR and we will catch up later.

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