The last couple days I have all the sudden found myself really anxious to meet this little boy! Of course I have felt like that off and on the whole time but I feel like I'm ready to see his face and love him.
BUT...and I mean a HUGE BUT....I am not done being pregnant so I am not that ready. If he was born now it would not be good b/c his lungs are not ready.
I have been saying the whole time that I want to go to 40 weeks but I think I'm kinda coming to terms that if he comes a week early I would be ok too. But with my history 40 weeks is a good guess.
If I were to pick his b-day I would want it on my mom's birthday (June 8) so that would be a day shy of 39 weeks. I know it would be the coolest birthday present she ever got...well she did get a new daughter in law in 2012 but a grandson might top that one haha even though Katie is pretty awesome!
I DO NOT want him born on the 15th. I'm gonna be selfish and admit I want to keep my anniversary separate from his birthday. Though it is Father's Day so that would be cool for TJ but I still would like to keep the 2 separate even if it is only by a day.
My best guess is he will be born on his due date b/c that is how both my girls were....well they were born on the day that the first u/s set their due date at. The dr always went by my LMP for my due date with them but this time they couldn't do that so they set it based on measurement. So It would actually be awesome to have all my kids born on the date their first u/s said.
So for fun if I had my way with the birth...I would put the girls down to bed then he would be born in the middle of the night...for many reasons this would be best for me...
-I would get to put my girls to bed
-TJ would be home so no need to call him
-I would get my bonding/nursing/chill time with him before anyone came to visit
-My girls could be well rested to meet their brother
But that would not be best for some reasons too...
-Miley does not wake up well to any one but me (I think she would do ok with my mom but she wouldnt' be here)
-That would mean TJ's parents would have to come stay at our house when we left and I would hate that for them b/c they wouldn't sleep...well his dad would but I doubt his mom would
-My mom would not get to meet baby till mid morning b/c she left middle of the night with Miley and lost good sleep...though would she really be able to sleep if I told her I was in labor haha maybe if that happens I will just have to send a text so she will get it when she gets up so I do not disturb the sleep she needs.
So second best...I would put the girls down for nap and leave while they are sleeping and have him around dinnertime so they could get up from nap, grab some dinner and then come visit which would give me time to bond and get ready to see the girls. Also that could work for my mom b/c she could pull that one off. Plus then I would HOPEFULLY spend that night in the hospital and then get out the next evening. So that would put less on others putting my kids down for bed and less stress on Miley having to go to bed for someone else.
Of course my thoughts are all envisioning me having a very quick labor like I did with Miley.
I DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT want people waiting in the waiting room like they did with Tommi b/c they came to meet Tommi before I was really ready. I want to give birth and nurse with in the first hour like I did with Miley and just calm down from the whirlwind before having visitors. Even my girls...I know I will be SO ready for them to meet him but I want that time with him.
My vision of them meeting him would be having him and TJ calling my mom and his parents when he is born and ready for visitors. Then he can go out and meet them in the waiting room and have the girls come in with just him and have baby boy in the crib thing so I can love on them first. Then they can put on their shirts and meet their brother! Then TJ can go get everyone else and they can all come and the girls can introduce their brother. I just really want them to feel like the total center of attention even if their brother really is haha Tommi is just going to bed SO proud. Miley will just like all the people loving on her and also by the point she meets him she will be glad to see me I'm sure. Well unless she has been spending time partying with Big Mama then she will not be as worried about me.
But the best plan of all is God's plan....last time the only thing I would have done differently would be Tommi would not have been sick! But otherwise the labor and birth was perfect. And with Tommi's birth I would have had people wait a bit longer before coming in to meet her b/c I was still in shock so I needed more time. But otherwise labor and delivery was exactly what was best for my first baby.
So 6 weeks to go sounds good...I'm just so excited to meet him and tell everyone his name b/c that has been hard to keep this time! But thankfully for the first time no one actually knows my babys name in advance! This one will be a real surprise....which is so fun! Ok so let's hope I can say that in 6 weeks!
I have got to slow down and enjoy this time with my froggy boy...he is jumping like a frog right now haha B/c I am going to miss this SO much!
I am REALLY looking forward to my next appt in 2 weeks b/c I will have an ultrasound and I am excited to see if we can see some sweet cheeks! They are really doing it as a position check but I am hoping the tech lets us see him a bit.
Holy crap I am going to be a mom of THREE next month!!! So crazy!!!!!
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