This is totally my vent and documentation of my feelings....
I knew Tommi was going to starts school...duh! And I was pumped for her! I thought heck what are all these moms stressing about your kid just goes to school and it is fine. Yeah...the joke is on me!
Tomorrow I go to register Tommi for kindergarten...that is NOT the hard part. It will be the day I drop her off at school...when I have to go through a 8 hour day with out my baby, my side kick, my Tommi girl! I'm not sure how to do it...yes I will have MANY distractions but she is my girl!
I'm SO ready for her to blossom and watch her grow but school is a whole new ball game!
Wow this is gonna be tough! I have SO many anxieties about everything from dropping her off or letting my MIL take her to picking her up or letting my MIL bring her home. I mean I know it is logical to let her take her and pick her up since she is going to the school anyway but at the same time...she is in a car with someone else with out of my biggest fears! Seriously it is crippling at times if I don't control it.
We will survive and I believe we will both thrive from the separation and the new level of connection but I'm scared! I'm not only scared of being away from her but I'm scared of mean kids. I had so many kids who hurt my sweet innocent heart and it hurt enough to go through it myself but to watch her is going to be even harder!
Then again I have a VERY strong willed and amazing child who have the ability to love like no other. She is also extremely clever. She is going to lead the pack and be such a light to others!
It will be in God's hands b/c there is no way I can do this alone!
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