I was reading back through my blog I kept with Tommi and poor Miley gets jipped I wish I blogged more about the little things b/c I know I will have and forgotten the silly little things she says etc. That goes for this baby too though...I was pretty on top on things with Tommi and Mileys pregnancies but this time I have only taken a couple pictures and never write much about how I'm feeling.
So I am going to work harder on documenting about everyday things. That even goes for Tommi at this point. She is getting so smart and says hilarious things and I want to remember them!
Miley and Tommi are both currently loving the song "Wagon Wheel". Tommi can sing most of the chorus but Miley's version is "rock me momma, rock me momma" with a random "wagon wheel" in there! It is hilarious!
Tonight Miley's favorite thing to tell me was "Momma, listen" she said it over and over as I looked at her listening. We were in church so that was interesting but that is Miley now! She talks ALL THE TIME! Which is so funny b/c majority of it is just repeating whatever Tommi is saying or whatever she hears on TV!
Today is Miley's 2nd birthday!!! We had a party yesterday that was just both sets of grandparents, one set of great-grandparents (Nana and Pap-pap) and Nate. We just had pizza and cake but it was nice to celebrate her and her crazy personality shined through b/c she was with (most) of the favorite people. She got LOTS of Minnie stuff, money and we gave her a dvd player for the car.
Tommi has a new fascination with calendars and dates. She would always ask me when she had school or when her birthday was, etc. So I bought her a calendar and put school and important dates on it. So she marks it off the day before bed and tell us what the next day is number wise and if there is anything going on. Tonight she told us "tomorrow is the 20th, then the next day is the 20th one" haha She knows all her number but I guess that threw her off. She knew how to say 22nd and 23rd. She can count to 100+ by herself now...and can go further but usually wears down after 105. That is a lot of numbers!
This pregnancy is going well. I am feeling the pains much earlier than the last 2 times. My hips and tailbone remind me often how much they dislike me! haha But over all I'm trying to enjoy it b/c it is flying by! The thought of this being the last time I'm pregnant makes me sad but 99% sure I do not want anymore children after this! I want to give my kids as much as I can. Even 3 spreads things thinner but I am confident this is exactly where God wants me! If Tommi's excitement doesn't seal that I don't know what does! She tells everyone how excited she is and asks me daily "how big is the baby?" It is awesome! She was some what aware with Miley but this time she really understands! I'm praying for a "Lukey baby" aka a baby with my little brothers personality, super laid back!
I have had a few drs appts. My last one was on Thursday and everything is going well. Baby's heartbeat was 151/152! So neat! No news is good news on this one. We set up our big ultrasound for February 12th and plan to take both the girls (that should be interesting) I debated if I wanted to find out the sex this time b/c it would be a fun surprise but I want to know to I can plan clothes etc. and plus Tommi is so ready to know she could jump out of her skin...that actually goes for everyone! As long as I come out knowing I have a healthy growing munchkin I will be on cloud 9!
I am not feeling much movement but my midwife said that could be placement of my placenta but not sure. I have been feeling flutters for a while but the major kicks "flicks" are not happening yet. That is one thing I can not wait for!!
So that is life about now. My girls are on a wake up early kick. They are getting up at 7-730 yuck! I want 8-830!
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