Last night Tommi got an all the sudden fever :( She ran a fever through the night, waking twice for some mommy comfort. Then today the fever broke and she complained of a sore throat but was in good spirits. She wanted to cuddle alot. When she went to bed her fever was 99.5 so not really a fever but not the norm. I just had to go in and comfort her b/c she was having a night terror...yelling and tossing around like something was "getting her". She was asleep so I had to wake her up...basically after a second or so she calmed down and went back to sleep. She felt warmer than she had an hour before when she went down. Hoping the fever has burned it all off by tomorrow.
Miley well who knows what is going on with her. Her nose is running so bad and she is stuffed up. She struggles when nursing b/c she has to eat some, breathe, eat some, breathe, etc. It is sad and frustrating. She is struggling sleeping b/c she has trouble sucking on her passy and breathing. I have her elevated but it only helps but so much. Since the nose running and stuffiness is the only symptom (fussiness also) I assume teething but I guess it could be a cold.
Oh what I would do to take my kids discomfort away!
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