When she wants something, don't wait more than 2 seconds or she gets demanding. She is also a super laid back go with the flow type baby. If we are out she will skip her morning nap with no problem (not that she should but she thinks there is too much excitement so I don't fight her)
She is SO super friendly and smiles at everyone. She LOVES attention. She is also a talker! When she gets going it is really funny.
She is into everything and driving her sis nuts with it. Tommi has to ask me to contain Miley if she wants to build with blocks, do a puzzle, or anything else she doesn't want Miley touching. I totally understand her frustration having little fingers grabbing everything is a tough life. But over all Tommi does really well, she understands Miley is not doing it to be mean she just thinks whatever Tommi has has got to be awesome! We get a shove or mean talk sometimes but they would not be siblings with out it.
So this cracks me up...Miley can crawl, get from her belly to her butt, pull up, and cruise. But God forbid she fall on to her back...she is a stuck turtle! She knows how but just will not roll over! It is frustrating as well as funny! She gets SO mad when she is on her back for too long and no one helps her.
She is in a big girl carseat now and not once have I had to hold a passy in her mouth or keep putting it back in. She LOVES her seat and will 99% of the time fall asleep with no passy. It is awesome!!! It looks comfy and she must agree! TJ and I were just talking about how we both though car rides would be terrible for a long time...maybe it would have stopped sooner had we done the switch earlier. Of course she is rear facing till she is at least 2 but she is a "big girl" otherwise!
Like Tommi Miley is not a big toy kid. She is much more into random things laying around...like shoes (gross). Well we don't let her play with those but she usually just plays with random things of Tommis. A ribbon, a rope, barbies, braclets, costume necklaces, etc. Always stuff she can not choke on but her ottoman full of toys is rarely touched. She would rather be climbing on me or TJ over anything!
Separation anxiety is in full swing. She does not like me leaving the room. I sneak out to get things done but most of the time she needs me in sight.;
We finally got the jumparoo thing from my parents house. Tommi used to love to sit in it and play and jump. We got it a bit too late and Miley does not like it. She wants to be out and on the move. No being contained. Even the walker has become a no-no to her. She wants to be crawling and getting into everything....and pulling up on EVERYTHING!!!
I am still loving Mileys petite size...it makes her seem so baby-ish still. She is full on in 6-9 month clothes. She can wear 3-6 still b/c like her sister she is skinny. But in things like sleepers we have to wear 6-9 for the length, I think she switched over at 7 months. She is not tall but has long legs. I will find out Monday how tall she is and how much she weights! I can't wait...hoping she is still in her good ol small curve and has not dropped any lower. I'd even be happy with a jump up to the 25%. But I know she is healthy so no worries!
How is that for the sweetest face on earth!?! |
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