When "they" say every baby is different I know it is true but it is hard not to compare my kids. My girls are MUCH different.
Seven months sounds SO old...I feel like I was just pregnant...I swear life moves faster after kids. It is crazy!
Miley still wants nothing to do with food. She does not willingly open her mouth for a bite of food. When she does open and I stick some in there to let her taste she just lets it sit on her tounge for a bit before finally tasting it. I will say she has finally stopped coughing (most of the time) and making horrible faces. She has tried...oatmeal, sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, and avocado. She seemed to like the bananas the best. We try food a couple times a week.
She still sits like a champ and can lean over to get what she wants then sit back up. She wants nothing to do with her back and belly most of the time. She wants to be sitting observing the world. When on her belly she can turn herself around to find what she wants.
She loves her walker and can move forward and backward. She is figuring out how to get around nicely!
She can get on her knees but tries to move a hand and belly flops.
She LOVES grabbing onto my hands and pulling up to standing. She is not solid on her legs but definitely loves standing.
It is hard to carry her facing in she wants to be face out observing all the time. It is hard on the arms when we are out but she enjoys it.
There is no doubt when Miley gets excited, she can not keep her arms and legs still! It is so fun!
Her newest and favorite sounds right now is MAMAMAMA/MMMMOOOMMM. Over and over, it sounds like she is saying mama but it is not referring to me. She likes to talk or cough just to get attention, plus it entertains her. She loves to razz/blow bubbles...it is too cute!
She is very good at going with the flow and not being super scheduled. Which is very nice with our busy lives in the summer.
Sleeping is a booger with her. She eats every 3ish hours 24/hours a day. I still get enough sleep but just have to wake up and get her going then go back to sleep. During the day I have to rock her to sleep and at night she falls asleep nursing.
Miley is my little sweet heart. She loves her momma like no other but is pretty content with others as long as she is not hungry.
She most definitely still adores her big sister...and that might be an understatement! Sometimes I have to have Tommi talk to her just to make her happy.
Being a mom of 2 has its moments but I could not imagine life with out these two girls. They are my world!
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